If you are a regular reader of this blog, you will know that I believe inflammation is the underlying cause of most of what ails us. So where does all this inflammation come from? Acute inflammation is a protective mechanism and is a very necessary response to pathogens, irritants and injury. It is when inflammation becomes chronic that problems manifest. Chronic inflammation can be the result of environmental pollution, food sensitivities, stress or diet (inflammatory foods include sugar, transfats, dairy, refined grains etc). Over time such chronic inflammation can lead to a variety of diseases in the body including asthma, chronic pain, skin problems such as roseacea, cardiovascular problems, diabetes, wrinkles and even cancer. When I started seeing a Chinese doctor for acupuncture, as a compliment to my yoga, she recommended serrapeptase which is often described as the 'miracle' enzyme. The more I learned about serraepeptase, the more smitten I was by i...