Meatless Monday : Sweet red pepper falafel

Here in Yorkshire we are having a heatwave  - temperatures are higher here than Athens today.  We are so not used to this.  Hot food has temporarily lost its appeal but the beauty of falafel is that it can be enjoyed hot or cold.  It also does not take long to prep so more time to enjoy this glorious weather. Red peppers are coming into season right now so you can roast some if you like.  In the following recipe however I have used whole sweet red peppers from a jar.  

Sweet red pepper falafel 

Serves 2

You will need

For the falafel
1 x 400g can chickpeas, drained 
1/2 red onion, chopped
70g oats
1 tbsp lemon juice
1 1/2 sweet red pepper from a jar
good pinch salt 
1 tsp cumin

Other ingredients
olive oil spray

To serve - pitta bread and a side salad

Place all the ingredients for except the  olive oil spray in a blender and whiz to form a soft paste.  Spray a baking tray with olive oil spray and place tablespoons of the mixture on the tray.  Bake at 180 degrees for around 20 minutes turning once.  Serves hot or cold in pittas with a side salad. 

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