Meatless Monday : A taste of summer, pea and mint soup

If you have been growing peas, you may be harvesting them around now.  We were given some by a fellow allotment grower and they are almost ready.  Have you tried eating peas straight from the pod?  Delicious.  

peas growing

The first and second early potatoes are now ready and we have had a bumper crop.  There is something really satisfying about digging up potatoes.  It is also fascinating that one seed potato can produce many potatoes.  No supermarket potato can match one you have grown yourself.  Growing potatoes is also good for breaking up the soil. 

 Potato plants growing

Picking potatoes


This week's meatless Monday includes both potatoes and peas.  I am also using mint which goes so well with peas.  If you are growing your own, it is best to harvest the leaves before flowering.  

Pea and mint soup

Serves 2

You will need

1 tbsp oil
1 onion, peeled and chopped
225g peas (weight after podding or use frozen)
300g potatoes (or 1 medium potato), diced
Stock made with 1 tsp pink salt dissolved in 500ml hot water
2 tbsp mint leaves chopped + leaves for garnish
1 tbsp coconut cream + extra for garnish
Crusty bread to serve

Heat the oil and cook the onion for 3 minutes.  Add the peas, potatoes and stock and bring to the boil.  Reduce heat to simmer and cook for 15-20 minutes, adding the chopped mint for the last 5 minutes.  Stir in the coconut cream and blend.  Divide between two bowls, swirl some coconut cream on top and garnish with mint leaves. Serve with crusty bread.  

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