Meatless Monday : Broad bean summer salad

This week’s Meatless Monday uses some of the produce that we have grown on the allotment and in the greenhouse – broad beans, salad leaves, peas and lemon balm. I have also added some courgettes – we haven’t grown them this year but they have been given by a fellow allotment grower. The broad beans and peas add protein to this dish, which would make a great lunch pack-up, as well as fibre, and vitamins A, B1 and B2. So enjoy a taste of summer!

Broad bean summer salad
Serves 2

You will need

150g buckwheat

½ tsp pink salt

300ml water

150g broad beans

1 medium courgette, diced

Handful peas, podded


1 tbsp apple cider vinegar

1 ½ tbsp. olive oil

½ tsp stevia

1 tsp English mustard


Lemon balm or mint leaves
preparing the broad beans from the allotment

Rinse the buckwheat and place in a saucepan with the salt and 300ml water.  Bring to the boil then reduce heat to simmer until all the water is absorbed – about 25 minutes.  Towards the end of cooking time, place the vegetables in another saucepan and cover with water.  Bring to the boil and boil for 3-4 minutes.  Drain and stir into the cooked buckwheat.  To make the dressing, blend all the ingredients together and stir through the buckwheat and vegetable mixture.  Serve on lettuce leaves and garnish with lemon balm or mint leaves.


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