Age reverse - hearing loss

Age related hearing loss may be caused by degeneration of the sensory hairs in the ear that relay messages to the brain which are interpreted as sound.  Some conditions contribute to hearing loss too including diabetes and high blood pressure so it is essential that these conditions are managed.  

You may think that there is nothing you can do to prevent hearing loss as you age but I believe there is a great deal.  Try to avoid long term exposure to loud noise such as loud music, lawn mowers, hedgecutters etc.  Ear protection is essential if you are exposed to loud noise regularly.  My mum and dad worked in a weaving mill for many years before ear protection became mandatory - needless to say they both were hard of hearing later in life although working in a weaving shed they were good at lip reading.  

Good nutrition is also key to preventing age related hearing loss. The three middle ear bones conduct sound vibrations from the eardrum to the fluid filled inner ear where the sensory hairs are located.  All the vitamins and minerals that are essential for bone health are therefore necessary to maintain good hearing.  These include vitamin D (vegan sources include mushrooms, fortified non-dairy milks and of course sunshine), calcium (vegan sources include broccoli and fortified non-dairy milks) and magnesium (vegan sources include beans and legumes, leafy green vegetables and whole grains).  Also make sure your diet includes sources of antioxidants - vitamins A, C, E, and zinc in order to prevent free radical damage to the sensory hairs, blood vessels and nerves supplying the ear. Vegan sources of vitamin A include carrots, sweet potatoes, tomatoes and broccoli.  Vitamin C is found in fruits and vegetables especially citrus fruits, kiwis, and peppers and vitamin E can be included in the diet by eating nuts and seeds.  Vegan sources of zinc include oats, pumpkin seeds, nutritional yeast and wholegrains.

B vitamins are also helpful because they reduce stress which can set up the inflammatory response which in turn can lead to hearing loss. Make sure your diet includes leafy green vegetables and whole grains.

Other supplements that may help include serrapeptase-please see Beating inflamation with serrapeptase and gingko biloba-please see 'Supplements for the brain.

I also recommend exercise to boost circulation to the ears to nourish the nerves and blood vessels of the ears. On the yoga blog I have created a sequence that will do that so please take a look, Youth boost yoga-hearing loss.

Please also see 

Age reverse-Stay sharp
Age reverse-Eyes, health and beauty 
Age reverse-heart

Hope this helps,

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