Meatless Monday special : Vegan Caribbean rice salad and vegan Coco choc berry bites

I am spoiling you today- not only am I sharing my recipe for Caribbean rice salad but also these Coco choc berry bites to finish.  The rice salad would be a delicious lunch pack up or if you are having a buffet or barbeque today, a great side.  The Coco choc berry bites recipe involves making a jam but you will be amazed how quickly it can be made and I am sure you will be wanting to make it again with other fruits. The weather here is terrific - I hope it is where you are too.

Vegan Caribbean rice salad

Serves 2 or scale up the quantities for a crowd

You will need

1 tbsp organic olive oil
1 small red onion, peeled and chopped
2 cloves garlic, crushed
½ red pepper, diced
1 tsp paprika 
½ tsp chilli flakes
½ tsp thyme
½ tsp salt
Frozen pineapple defrosted or use canned in juice, around 10-12 chunks
150g organic brown rice
4 tbsp frozen sweetcorn

To garnish (optional)
Coriander leaves
Coconut flakes
sliced avocado

Rinse the rice and place in a saucepan with the sweetcorn and cover with water.  Bring to the boil and then reduce heat to simmer for 25 minutes.  Drain well 
Heat the oil, and cook the onion for 2 minutes.  Add the garlic, red pepper, paprika, chilli, thyme and salt and cook until the onion is transparent, adding a little water if necessary. Stir in the cooked rice and pineapple and serve. Garnish with coriander leaves and coconut flakes if using.

Coco choc berry bites

Makes 8 approx

You will need 

For the cake 
125g dairy free spread
15g stevia
200g rice flour
3 egg equivalent (2 tbsp flavourless oil, 3 tbsp rice flour, 6 tbsp dairy free milk)
1 tsp vanilla
100ml dairy free milk
Oil for greasing tin

For the jam (you will probablyhave more than you need but you can use the rest on toast etc-it will keep a few days in the fridge)
125g blackberries
1 tbsp lemon juice 
1-2 tbsp chia seeds
Stevia to taste

For the choc ‘cream’
The cream off a can of full fat coconut milk (you can use the remaining liquid in a smoothie or rice pudding or tropical ‘nice cream’)
2 tbsp cacao powder
Stevia to taste

To finish 
dessicated coconut

To make the cake, mix the dairy free spread and stevia.  Add the remaining ingredients and mix well.  Transfer to a greased loaf tin and bake at 180 degrees for around 25 minutes until firm to press.  Allow to cool.

To make the jam blend the fruit in a high speed blender then pass it through a sieve if you wish.  Place in a bowl with the stevia, lemon juice and chia seeds and leave to thicken for at least five minutes.

To make the choc ‘cream’ mix the coconut ‘cream’ and cacao.  Add stevia to taste.

To assemble cut turn out the cake and carefully cut into 8 squares - cakes made with rice flour can be crumbly so take care. Sandwich the pieces together with jam and using a spatula apply the choc ‘cream’ to the top and sides.  Sprinkle with dessicated coconut.

Happy Bank Holiday!

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