Eat a rainbow – purple fig
The end of this series has been a long time coming but here it is at last. Figs are in season! Enjoy them while you can – they won’t be here long. They satisfy a sweet tooth if like me you avoid sugar but sometimes want something sweet - I know they have fruit sugar, fructose but they are also packed with fibre so they do not cause the blood sugar ‘spikes’ that sugar does – just don’t eat too many. As well as fibre they are a source of calcium and magnesium, both good for bone health. They are also rich in antioxidants which are good at this time of year for boosting immunity. A tip top immune system will also reduce the risk of cancer because your immune cells will destroy any cells that 'go rogue', that is mutate when they divide.
For extra sweetness try baking figs. Spray a baking tray with coconut oil spray. Cut the figs in two and place on the tray cut side up. Spray the figs with coconut oil and sprinkle with stevia and a little cinnamon. Bake at 200 degree for 10-15 minutes. Enjoy with coconut cream.
Other purple fruits and vegetables in season right now include blackberries, plums and still just about in season are aubergines.
'Eat a rainbow-Red cabbage'
'Eat a rainbow-Sweet potato'
'Eat a rainbow-Grapefruit'
'Eat a rainbow - Greens'
'Eat a rainbow - Blueberries'
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